Wednesday 14 December 2011

Renungan yang perlu saya teliti...

Saya melayari internet sebelum masuk tidur dan saya terlihat suatu petikan yang menarik perhatian saya..saya copy and paste dari status seorang rakan yang berbunyi begini:

"Dan lkalau Allah menghendaki, niscaya Dia menjadikan kamu satu umat (saja), tetapi Allah menyesatkan siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya dan memberi petunjuk kepada siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya. Dan sesungguhnya kamu akan ditanya tentang apa yang telah kamu kerjakan." Surah An-Nahl ayat 93.
Sentiasalah berdoa agar kita tidak tergolong dalam golongan orang2 yang disesatkan Allah...sesungguhnya neraka jahanam lah tempat kembali bagi golongan ini.

Melihat teks tersebut, saya merenung dan senyap seketika...Ketika itu saya sangat bersyukur bukan kerana saya seorang kristian tetapi kerana didalam kristian,Allah Bapa kita, Dia tidak akan sesekali menyesatkan sesiapa tetapi dia akan mencari domba-dombaNya yang hilang dan menyelematkan mereka dengan penuh sukacita..sebab itu,berdoalah dan datang kepadaNya kerana Tuhan Yesus berkata didalam
Lukas 11:9 "Jadi, Aku berkata kepadamu: Mintalah, maka kalian akan diberi; carilah, maka kalian akan mendapat; ketuklahmaka pintu akandibukakan untukmu". Begitulah tidak terkira besar kasih Allah Bapa pada kita sehingga Yesus datang ke dunia untuk menyelamatkan manusia

Yohanes 3;16 "Karena begitu besar kasih Allah akan dunia ini, sehingga Ia telah mengaruniakan Anak-Nya yang tunggal, supaya setiap orang yang percaya kepada-Nya tidak binasa, melainkan beroleh hidup yang kekal."

Sebab itu bagi saya, saya tidak gentar untuk tersesat. saya hanya perlu mencari dan dekat dengan Allah Bapa supaya iman saya diperkuatkan dan tidak tersesat. Amen

Saturday 26 November 2011

God's intervation in my life

hello is your day today? i start this my first blog...actually, not first blog but i dont remember my id, i try to create another blog to share with all what i thinking and what i have done in my life and how is God intervention in mylife....

I try to remember what i have done and what i have finish yet my part the day.... through my own hand,i think...which part i already do it and what i have done for this year....
Year 2011 is my second year i live in KL...i realize that so many things i through in mylife..without think what happen the next day, i just live here and did not think more about my future....september 2009, want to freedom and want to live without family beside me. Then, I plan to continue my study and want to expose my skill and career in KL.But,what i have now?...yess,im a student right now and this is my last year to study but i realize, i not expose my skill very know why? because im very shy person and always feel low confindence. I believe in God that He always beside me but i never call Him to more near with me and wake up Him to protect and make He my Savior....I always think i can do wihtout Him in my heart and what happen that time? im fall down.....

in 2010, someone tackle me and want me to be his girlfriend. That time, i know that guy just want me to make his life enjoy and not love me much but i  think i can handle without God help and without intervention God in my life.But this is a wrong think.. i have a problem with my friends and this situasion make me down and so difficult to me to study.. I always in sorrow and shy to everybody. I dont have a confidence and i did not expose what i think i can do it. What this happen to me? My friend who is also my housemate and classmate defarming and discredit me. It make me give up and fall down. My boyfriend also just want mybody and take my money....I dont know what to do that time.

Its hard to me but  finally, on 28 July 2010, I deside to break up with my fool BF and let him go..I also come and face to face with my friend that my patient is enough for her.I dont want to be hypocrite. I think it is more better to discuss with her but for the first day, she angry and she use the bad word to me and dont want to discuss...I realize that time, I cannot live without my family to support and make me to be high confident with any thing in my life...I also feel, I stuped to leave my family and God to come in my heart to protect me.Give me a high confidence level and give me happiness....for 3 months, i lose my life and every night my tears fall down..I pray with God..I surrender with Him and always miss my family at Sabah...I realize, i really need my family beside me..I dont know what to do for that time and just surrender with God...I believe that He still give me opportunity to make change in my life and make a new life....

I advise to all, what ever we do..we should to surrender with God..ask to intervation in your life and help from Him...

Matthew 11:28 " come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."